Claremont City Candidates


There are two city council positions open and the mayor's race is open in Claremont. Tasha Dahl is running unopposed in her re-election bid for Mayor. Council member Jacob Klejeski is not running again for the office. David Stein had filed for the city council position but did not respond to requests for an interview.

Tasha Dahl has served two terms as mayor of Claremont. Some accomplishments she has noted are the water tower rehab and starting the new ballfield. One of the tasks she is working to address is fixing problems correctly instead of using the band aid approach which seemed to have been used in the past. She likes the input from the community and cites that recently a citizen brought an idea to the council and it was implemented. She would like to see more input from the residents on topics concerning the city and welcomes the communication.

Tasha is married to Casey and they have two daughers, two dogs and a turtle. She is a volunteer firefighter, and an EMR for Claremont and coach basketball. She is also a Chamber member and works for Bemer Bank as a Commercial Banking Associate. In her spare time she enjoys spending time outside with family.

Deb Ellis has served one four-year term as a council member. She states that she has gained alot of knowledge of city policy and ordinances. She would like to see more residents attend city council meetings and ask questions and make suggestions. She likes the way Claremont residents come together and help each other. One goal she has is to see small businesses in some of the empty buildings in town. Deb is sixty-eight years old and has two adult children and two grandchildren two dogs and two cats. She also works part-time as assistant city clerk for the city of Claremont.